Saturday 20 October 2012

Self Research -- Motion Graphic

Motion Graphic Artists on Vimeo >>

Motion Graphic Served

Motion graphics are graphics that use video footage and/or animation technology to create the illusion of motion or rotation, graphics are usually combined with audiofor use in multimedia projects. Motion graphics are usually displayed via electronic media technology, but may be displayed via manual powered technology (e.g.thaumatropephenakistoscopestroboscopezoetropepraxinoscopeflip book) as well. The term is useful for distinguishing still graphics from graphics with a transforming appearance over time without over-specifying the form. (

Sunday 14 October 2012

DIS2105 Major Project -- Preproduction 2 (15/10)

Ba Jai Zhang -- Eight Generals (Preproduction)   (15th Oct)

I thought I already finished 90% of my major project so far. After today's tutorial, I got some suggestions and I know what can I improve. 

DIS2105 Major Project -- Preproduction1 (10/10)

Ba Jai Zhang -- Eight Generals    (10th Oct)

Friday 12 October 2012

DIS2105 Major Project -- Effects (3D/Ripple)

After effects tutorial, Simple pond ripple effect, Part 1 >>

After effects tutorial, Simple pond ripple effect, Part 2 >>

Motion Express - After Effects 基礎教學6 - 3D空間 >>

Friday 28 September 2012

DIS2105 Major Project -- Flourish Effect

Flourish Effect (AE Tutorial)

How to make a flourish as Video Copilot [HD] 720p >>

Making a flourish movie footage by Ai & AE tutorial 1/2. >>

Making a flourish movie footage by Ai & AE tutorial 2/2. >>

Sunday 16 September 2012

DIS2105 Major project Story Board

Story Board

DIS2105 Synopsis

Synopsis >>

 For major project, I’m going to present one Taiwanese unique performance—“Eight generals”. "Eight generals" is a traditional and religious ceremonial performance, which has its roots in Taiwan's temple culture. The "eight generals" wear gaudy, embroidered clothing, fierce face-paint and straw sandals. They walk with an exaggerated swagger called "tiger steps" and their performance traditionally represented them bringing criminals to justice and protecting the people in the other world. 

  Because Eight generals’ duty is arresting ghosts and monsters, in order to show this point, one ghost will appear through the whole film. At the beginning of the film, the calligraphy title – “Ba Jai Zhang” and “Eight generals” appear by writing effect from the dark then melt into the dark again. 

  A small ghost runs into the dark screen, he looks around to make sure there’s no dangerous but one mask appears behind him. The first mask is General Gan who has a symmetrical pattern on his face. The scene is lighted up while General Gan appearing and General Gan’s mask turned around. The ghost starts running away from General Gan as General Gan is trying to arrest him. A cloud pattern follows and overtakes the ghost then arrives at the next mask – General Liou. 
  The ghost keeps running. Afterward a bat waves its wings to cover the screen and become the pattern on General Shei’s mask. The sign on General Shei’s forehead turn into a weapon and attack the small ghost. Next is General Van who has the burning fire. The ghost run into a place full of lotus and the God of Spring shows so he runs away again. Then the plant changes into bottle gourd and one red gourd just grows on Summer God’s forehead. A cloud pattern, which differs from the last, leads the film to the next scene. 

  The ghost meets the God of Fall, and the pattern keeps pushing him to the God of Winter. All generals appear at the same time and surrounding the small ghost, they start rotating around him then the ghost becomes smaller and smaller. Eight generals stop rotating after the ghost disappears then the screen turns into dark. 

  In terms of film form, I want to make a trailer or an advertisement to introduce this unique culture. I might not make it so religion; I hope it looks more artistic and a little bit mystery so I will emphasize the colour and special shapes of the mask which have their own meaning and origin. I want to use Chinese traditional music to show the lasting charm of our culture. The motion of this film should be smooth and light even they are trying to catch the small ghost. 

  Each character of “Eight generals” will be displayed and introduced simply. I might use camera angle shift to create a little bit 3D effect. And the pattern will play an important role in the film as well as the result of all pattern related to each mask. Black will be the main color for the patterns and I think prepared Chinese ink could be a good present form. If possible, I hope the ink can spread softly and smoothly. Besides, rice paper (Chinese paper) will be used as background texture. 


Mood Board >>

Sunday 9 September 2012

DIS2105 Major Project Idea (Ba Jia Zhang)

Assignment 2 Brief >>

Project Pre--‐Production (Required content to be submitted):
• Synopsis (single--‐page PDF):
Outline the motion graphic project that you propose to work on over the final third of the semester. Describe your project’s themes and concepts. Indicate what you hope to achieve both creatively and technically. Include a “Production Pathway” (a step--‐by--‐step pathway diagram outlining your production schedule over weeks #9--‐12).
• Mood board (single page PDF):
Prepare a “mood board” – a sequence of images arranged in a grid either sourced or created which, when montage together, communicate the look, feel and concept – providing visual examples of typographic, image, colour research that relates to the idea you are proposing for your final piece.

In major project, I’m going to present a traditional and religious ceremonial performance—“Eight generals”.
"Eight generals" is a traditional and religious ceremonial performance, which has its roots in Taiwan's temple culture. The "eight generals" wear gaudy, embroidered clothing, fierce face-paint and straw sandals. They walk with an exaggerated swagger called "tiger steps" and their performance traditionally represented them bringing criminals to justice and protecting the people in the other world.
"Guan Jian Shou", or "the chief guards of Ksitigarbha"; are usually played by two or three people, sometimes followed by "Eight Generals", their subordinates. In the rural Taiwan, it is very important for both gods/goddess and people having annual parades; and "Guan Jian Shou" is like the leading policeman in front of the parade, timid devious spirits, and silently announcing "behold! The god/goddess is here". As the physical representation of armed force, they have specific makeup, acts and dresses to show their fearlessness and strength- almost in an artistic way.

Image Research

官將首 Guan Jian Shou

八家將 the eight generals Ba Jia Zhang

Chinese pattern

Rice paper (paper texture)

DIS2105 Major Project Tutorial example

Some tutorials >>

Writing effect:


DIS2105 After Effects Tutorial

Here are some tutorial websites >>

Vidoe Copilot :

Youtube :

Motion Express:

Some example for my major project >>

Friday 31 August 2012

MMD2306 - Project03 WebReview05

Project 03 -- WebReview

05 -- Website of your choice


This is the official website for the Discovery channel. Black is the most significant color which make this website seem mystery and Discovery channel is a program reveals the world’s mystery. Besides, the typeface wasn’t too special to supersede the main characters but makes audiences feel a little bit technical. Because there are a lot of programs in the channel so the drop menu is quite huge. Actually, the aim for visitors probably is seeing the information about the TV program. On this website, audiences can find program categories through the navigation bar easily, as a result audiences should happy to visit this website next time. They also provide some short videos such as trailers, part of program or advertisements so that people will be interested to watch Discovery Channel. And those people who watched Discovery Channel but want to know more about the program will visit this website, that is to say, the website and the TV program help each other. Of course viewers can find the TV schedule on this website but it might not that convenient to see at the first sight. If the link can be put in a place more significant might allow people find it quicker.



MMD2306 - Project03 WebReview04

Project 03 -- WebReview

04 -- Film promotional website


“Filmology” is a website which promoting film and cinema. This website was set for 10 years and one website can exist that long means that it has its advantages. Red nearly brownish was the main colour for design and another principal color is white. Even background image is a photograph but not just graphic and color, it doesn’t look too complex. Every steps and options on the website were explained clearly and understandably therefore most of customers would willing to come back and visit again. Visitors are not allowed to try some of the functions. Audiences have to join members so they can get more bonuses. Audiences might not get a great quantity of information through this website, they just connect with films and they could find more.
Instead of providing details of the movies, “Filmology” promotes films by holding various activities and being an intermediary. Perhaps they can create a gallery for all films they have had since the website was set and put some information then audiences can know more about this website. Most of audiences hope the operation as simple as possible so a few of buttons and easy operation could be the strengths.
